A film about a group of friends from San Diego that all started skateboarding in the mid to late 80’s. We’ve all grown up now (👈 a description I use VERY loosely) and became construction workers, sales men, entrepreneurs, haberdashers, mail men, mechanics, tattoo artists, designers, husbands and fathers. But before we were any of those things, we were skateboarders. Cheers 🍻 to all the old timers who never put away their wooden toy. Thanks for watching! Featuring June Cate, Scott Lancour, Kien Lieu, Jason Carney, Mario Negos, Crispin Alhambra, Tim Hardy, Bert Custodio, Mike Alzona, Kyong Kim, Mikey Hottman, Alyasha Moore, David Mckinnie, Russ Pope, Heavy Metal Rich, Danny Wallace and Brisk.

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