Who better to end concrete week than and interview with concrete king Chris Miller? Of course Miller is totally right but at the same time he is a little out their. “Don’t be afraid to make a mark on that white paper; go”.
Anybody else see that clip of Sebo yesterday with the 3 -shuv lipslide? Quite gnarly if you ask us but Make-A-Wish is probably the nicest thing that skateboarding as a community does so it is good to see that another year we have helped out the community. Tuesday the full video will drop.
How to Design a Bank Ramp
Simpilar way to build a bank ramp is to lay a piece of plywood on top of something and hope for the best, you can also go to a skatepark, or your local handicapped ramp. So if you are committed to putting in mad work just to ride something that is already available to you here are your directions.
Switch Back Disasters with Matty Hunt
Don’t you love how they have to teach you some tricks switch to cover their ego’s. For all the dudes who can’t do them regular because skateboarding has gone back to sidewalksurfing, don’t worry; just turn around and follow the directions it will work regular as well.
First Wheel Films
Randomly found this video of the homies that was uploaded today; leif, kyle, kevin, brian, and jon
www.firstwheelfilms.com for more clips of whats going down in Jersey.
1 Minute at Venice Park with Micky Papa
This shows why Micky Papa should be Pro!
Best of the Hollywood 16
Skateboarder take s a look at all the gnarly tricks that were landed at the Hollywood 16.
Roger “Secondhand Stoke” Part 1
Max Taylor and Ryan Holloway kill it with some hi jinks involved as predicted, gnarly video.
Biebel Flying Around Aspen
Biebel is like that dad that doesn’t know how to use his iPhone so he takes random shitty videos, the only thing is that they all rock in the end.
Kevin Romar’s Woodward Part 2012
A little more intense with Kevin Romar than Issey’s part that was dropped yesterday, no matter what it is obvious that Skate Nugg will be taking a trip out to Woodward in the near future to get some clips.
Cairo Foster’s Setup on Alli
Cairo Foster sits down and sets up a new ride, its crazy how much pros actually think about their boards, guess when you have your choice you can take the time to be picky.
Matt Bennett’s Pro’s Picks
Welcome to Hell was the gnarliest video, pick up the Jum off a Building box set if you have no idea what we are talking about and learn about some raw East Coast Skateboarding.