JAWS is one of the gnarliest dude out there and will go bigger than anyone else. Not only that but he gets to hang around with Tony Hawk all day.
Rickard Guy for Heel Bruise
Reynolds 3 X Shake Junt Colab
The Reynolds 3’s were one of the biggest shoes to ever be introduced into the skateboarding world and now you can get them with some Shake Junt steeze thrown in there at no extra cost.
Chris Cole and Theotis fall for the dollar….
Chris Cole and Theotis Beasley fall for this shit? Come on guys we know that Men in Black are the dudes but this just looks bad…. you too SkateLab.
Walker Ryan for Filmbot Grip
Walker Ryan takes some time out of his Friday for this Filmbot Griptape edit.
Norman Villacote’s Whoa of the Week
Norman Villacorte kills Metro’s Whoa of the Week with some transition / street footy.
Get Out and Do Something Episode 1
Get off of your fat ass and go do something with VANS. It is pretty much that thing that Michelle Obama yaps about on Nickelodeon only with way better activities.
How to Piss in Public
Ian Twa now on ZOO YORK
ZOO YORK redeems themselves for not renewing any of their riders contract beside Chaz Ortiz, NOT congrats IAn Twa but I would shop around as quick as possible.
Mikey Taylor has all the answers…
You ask and he answers, or Active pulls the trigger. As long as the Taylor Gang is behind him he will skate forever.
SKATELINE Jereme Rogers vs. Lil Wayne
Told YA!
Shuv Loving Bearded Asshole
Chris Roberts reads all the shit talking from some of Crailtap’s Youtube videos and funny enough he seems like a hot shit talking topic.