Get off of your fat ass and go do something with VANS. It is pretty much that thing that Michelle Obama yaps about on Nickelodeon only with way better activities.
How to Piss in Public
Ian Twa now on ZOO YORK
ZOO YORK redeems themselves for not renewing any of their riders contract beside Chaz Ortiz, NOT congrats IAn Twa but I would shop around as quick as possible.
Mikey Taylor has all the answers…
You ask and he answers, or Active pulls the trigger. As long as the Taylor Gang is behind him he will skate forever.
SKATELINE Jereme Rogers vs. Lil Wayne
Told YA!
Shuv Loving Bearded Asshole
Chris Roberts reads all the shit talking from some of Crailtap’s Youtube videos and funny enough he seems like a hot shit talking topic.
Banned in the USA
Dwayne Fagundes lost his visa and has not been allowed back into the United States for a couple of years but no worries, hes stackin footy and waiting it out until he can come home.
The Antiz Obstacle
VANS drops their footy from the Antiz Obstacle at Amsterdam Downtown Showdown. The transition gaps in this video are the tits!
5&5 with Greyson Fletcher
Some lames ass questions but Greyson kills it at Coastal Carnage. Who calls Italian dressing Italian SAUCE?
Marty Murawski gets Re-Gripped
Filmbot Re-Grips Marty’s board with a side of Weezy. New edits are always ghetto compared to the original, think we are lying then try to find one that isn’t and post it on our facebook.
SK8Rats ‘Oh Word’ Montage
The SK8Rats get all artsy and skate to the beat of the White Stripes, how did they know how to make it match up perfectly. They must have brought around a boom box to all of the spots they skated. They probably hate this song now.
Filmbot Globetrotts
Derek Fukuhara and friends mess around with some balls and skateboards. New ESPN sport coming soon.