La Capsule Magenta – Los Angeles

Roaming LA’s majestic city center in search for overlooked gems. Ben Gore, Jimmy Lannon, Jesse Narvaez, Leo Valls and friends dodge security to get to the precious marble. Guest skating by Jake Slater, John Lindsay, Ian Freundner, Eby Ghafarian, Wolfgang Bradt, Kenny Stanley, Marshall Nicholson and Matt Town.

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Playing Los Angeles

A Video by Harry Bergenfield Featuring (in order of appearance) Mason Coletti, John Shanahan, Dougie, Chris Dinya, Pretty Reef, Sadiq Carrington, Chewy Alergria, Andrew Arnold, Tom McCarron, Noe Norris, Chris Athans, Koan Dornhofer, Mason Malone, James Levinski, Niko Howard, Manny Santiago, Hermann Stene, Matt O’Conner, Jonny Hernandez, Steven Szumal, Carlos Mendoza, Jared Burke, Brian Bolivar, Straps, Jake Slater, JP, Eric Valladeres and Kolby Hayes.

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