BEAGLE Tapes: Episode 49 – Andrew Reynolds and Beagle

As night falls, with the subtle hum of a Honda EU2000, Andrew Reynolds skates an up-ledge in Fullerton, California. After a few warmup tricks, Andrew gets what he drove all way out there for, a fakie 5-0 fakie kickflip.

Just north of Pasadena’s Rose Bowl and south of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Beagle pregames by hypnotizing himself with Three-Six Mafia lyrics and HCP collector cards. He then decides to attempt a nollie bigspin down the largest set of his career. The La CaƱada 11 stair is the stage of choice. Like a bat out of hell, Beagle rides away 20 feet from a sketchy one. Does that count? Even though Beagle’s mentality had taken on a gangster persona, Lance Dawes throws in the towel, so Beagle can live to fight another day. Circa 2005 – BEAGLE

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