Giddy #01

Featuring Hugo Maillard, Louis Deschamps, Clément Harpillard, Yann Garin, Masaki Ui, Joffrey Morel, Alban Ma Tri, Juan Renoux, Amiel Kornicki, Hugo Corbin, Santiago Sasson, Thibault Proux, Louis Perruchaud, Paul Langsley, Hervé Leroy, Quentin Chambry, Augustin Giovannoni, Maxime Le Guyader, Simon Peltier, Samuel Dietzel, Justin Wagener, and Fred Plocque-Santos.

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Croukette / PREMIERE

The latest Augustin Giovannoni production. Augustin is a young Parisian filmer, and it’s all here: locals, République, tourists, visiting buddies! As for the title, well, according to the Blobys dictionary, it stands for “good stuff!”. Let’s have a look at what the new generation proposes us. No doubt, we’ve got a lot to (re-)learn from them!

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