Emerica Presents: The Spanky Reserve

The Spanky Reserve is inspired by Kevin’s unique interests and versatile personal style. Through his eclectic mix of friends and absorbing different cultures while traveling and skating. Artists, fashion designers, musicians and creative types from all facets of life became access points to new experiences, and new choices in classic footwear. The Spanky Reserve is constructed on a soft PVC outsole to maximize comfort and durability, as well as being non-slip on wet surfaces. Pick up a pair HERE.

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100 Kickflip Wear Test In The Emerica Figgy Dose Shoe

If someone like Justin Figueroa puts their name on a shoe, you know it can get the shit beat out of it, so naturally we had to beat it up a little. Kevin and Chris decided to have a battle and see how their respective Kickflips put wear on the Emerica Figgy Dose so they could compare notes at the end. It turns out Chris has a pretty solid Kickflip, but Kevin has the stamina. See who wins then grab a pair at CCS.com!

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