No Rest in the North West Tour – LAKAI

A two week skate trip to the North West in the middle of winter? Sounds insane, but with a Simon Bannerot and James Capps colorway coming out there was only one way to kick things off properly: a good old road trip to the guys’ hometowns. With a full crew packed in the van and an overload of stoke, we headed out with our hopes high and our fingers crossed. The Skate Gods had our backs and we skated every day, for 2 weeks straight, with an occasional snow ball fight and sledding rev snuck in. Watch Simon, James, Griffin, Tyler, Cody, Jimmy, Vincent and Yonnie brave the cold and rip through Boise and Seattle.

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La Flareto Rico Tour – LAKAI

Puerto Rico is an amazing place with great people, food, beaches, and an abundance of skate spots. Yonnie Cruz’s family lives there, so with him as our guide we covered a lot of miles up, down, and across the island. Watch Yonnie, Stevie, Cody, Simon, Tyler, Griffin, and James rip through some of PR’s finest offerings.

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