Recap: The Boardr Am at New York City

Once again, it came down to the last runs in the Finals where Maurio McCoy was holding the lead. Jake Ilardi had the slight benefit of going last in the Finals from his clean sweep of the Semi-Finals and Qualifiers where he had just placed first in both. On Jake’s third and final run, also the last run of the day, he put it down and edged out Maurio for the win at this stop.

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Recap: The Boardr Am at Phoenix, Jagger Eaton Wins!

It was another stop of The Boardr Am that came down to the third and final runs where Jagger’s 91.71 in his last run held the lead against Dashawn Jordan who put an 89.19 for his third and best final run.

Jagger heads to X Games for The Boardr Am Finals in Austin to join just 12 other top ams competing there.

Remaining stops:

Atlanta, May 7th, 2016
NYC, May 21st, 2016
Tampa Bay, May 28th, 2016

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