What Youth: Afternoon Interview – Ronnie Sandoval

You don’t get to go pro for Krooked unless Mark Gonzales says so. And he said so for Ronnie Sandoval. Ronnie was bred at the world famous Channel Street Park in San Pedro (which is in danger of going away forever as you’ll see). And might be one of the craziest tranny skaters around right now. He’s a skaters skater. Real. Genuine. And constantly trying to convert all the fucking scooter kids into skaters.

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NORTHBOUND | Skateboarding on Frozen Sand 4K

Ice, driftwood, foamy waves and … skateboards? Four skaters head north to the cold Norwegian coast, applying their urban skills to a wild canvas of beach flotsam, frozen sand and pastel skies. The result is a beautiful mashup — biting winds and short days, ollies and one ephemeral miniramp. Featuring Hermann Stene, Didrik Galasso, Henrik Lund, and Karsten Kleppan.

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