Raw footage from two separate sessions at a couple of brick spots featuring Greg Rodriguez, Christopher Hiett, Landon Belcher, John Bradford, and Andy Anderson. Filmed by Deville
Powell-Peralta ‘Raw Clips’ – Videos 1 through 11 Recap
Here’s a recap of Powell’s ‘Raw Clips’ videos, 1 through 11. Featuring Charlie Blair, Brad McClain, Scott Decenzo, Ben Hatchell, Andy Anderson, Vincent Luevanos, Hollywood Martinez, Landon Belcher, Cole Perera, Ray Corey, Christopher Hiett, and Andreas Alvarez.
Powell-Peralta ‘Raw Clips’ – Andy Anderson Boardslide to Fakie
Powell-Peralta ‘Raw Clips’ featuring Andy Anderson. Andy dodges the pillar in the middle of this long board slide to fakie. Filmed by Deville.
Featuring Rob Rickaby, Andy Anderson, Lee Yankou, Adam Hopkins, Nate Lacoste, Mike Mckinlay, Colin Nogue, Cole Nowicki, Ali Yaqubian, Mike Klinkhammer, Will Blakely and Zach Barton.