10 invited skaters hit the course for 30 minutes to duke it out for cash in the Boost Mobile Switch Jam. The anticipated jam didn’t disappoint as battles between skaters got heated and wads of cash got bigger. If you missed the switch madness catch it all here in the Boost Mobile Switch Jam recap video.
Boost Mobile Switch Jam: Dashawn Jordan – Dew Tour
Dew Tour is proud to announce Dashawn Jordan as one of ten skaters to compete in the inaugural Boost Mobile Switch Jam.
Boost Mobile Switch Jam: Manny Santiago
Manny Santiago Boost Mobile Switch Jam.
Boost Mobile Switch Jam: Nick Tucker
Nick Tucker Boost Mobile Switch Jam Dew Tour 2018.
Boost Mobile Switch Jam: Micky Papa
When Boost Mobile approached Dew Tour to curate riders for a switch jam contest Micky Papa was one of the first on our minds to invite. Possessed by the mentality of progression, dynamics, and relentless aspiration that is the Switchmade mindset.
Boost Mobile Switch Jam: How Chase Webb Skates Switch
In this segment from the Boost Mobile Switch Jam profiles we hear from Chase Webb. The Murrieta, California native explains his go to switch trick, who he looks up to for switch backside tailslide, and his tips to learning to skate switch.
Boost Mobile Switch Jam: Kelvin Hoefler’s Switch Style
Kelvin Hoefler will be competing in the inaugural Boost Mobile Switch Jam going up against TJ Rogers and Jordan Maxham. Get the inside scoop of what Kelvin has to say about skating switch in his edit above.
Boost Mobile Switch Jam: Jordan Maxham
Dew Tour is proud to announce Jordan Maxham as one of ten skaters to compete in the inaugural Boost Mobile Switch Jam.