Featuring Matt Debauche, George Poole, Patrick Rogalski, American underground blazer Max Garson, and everyone’s favorite Canadian friend, Chris Haslam.
Skating Greek Islands in Search of The Blu Enigma | Chapter 2
Five skaters in search of a rumored skate compound on a Greek island come back with heavy evidence. Our friends in the Greek skate scene have done a lot of good things over the years and when we asked for help in reaching the skating Eldorado which is the Blu Enigma, they helped make it happen. Just ask Keith Walsh who came all the way from Ireland, Alex Hallford from England, or Portugal’s Jorge Simões, who was joining as winner of Red Bull Skate Arcade 2015. They met up with Californian concrete destroyer Brad McClain and the one and only Chris Haslam in Athens, before hopping ferries from the port of Rafina through the Cycladean islands of Tinos and Paros, and finding the Blu Enigma high above Andros.
Skating Greek Islands in Search of The Blu Enigma | Chapter 1
Join Brad McClain, Alex Hallford, Chris Haslam, Keith Walsh and Jorge Simões riding unseen terrain. The Blu Enigma is a little hotel on the Greek Cycladean island of Andros, just off the coast of Athens. There the owner has built one of the most unusual and challenging bowls within the footprint of the compound for the use of any rippers who may pass through.
The Cliché Skateboards Crew Continues to Rip in Lyon
Welcome to chapter two of Cliché’s annual basecamp get-together, put together exclusively for us by the mighty Vincent Jugnet. In attendance for the sessions and male-bonding exercises were Brad McClain, Flo Mirtain, Kyron Davis, Adrien Coillard, Paul Hart, Joey Brezinski, JB Gillet and special guest Chris Haslam, who put down some heavy hits on the already heavily-sessioned municipality of Lyon.
The Cliché Skate Squad’s Tour de Vélo
The guests invited to hop on his Tour de Vélo this time out were Brad McClain, Flo Mirtain, Kyron Davis, Adrien Coillard, Paul Hart, Joey Brezinski, JB Gillet and special guest Chris Haslam. From Gege’s private concrete pond to famous Lyonnais skate terrain, the squad span those wheels in a peloton of hammers and friendship for the duration of the race elsewhere across France.
Summer 16 Globe Skate Team Edit
Introducing the Summer 16 Globe skate team edit featuring Mark Appleyard, Ryan Decenzo, Louie Barletta, David Gonzalez, Chris Haslam and Paul Hart.
Chris Haslam | Eh Canadian Story
Chris Haslam’s been an obvious staple in progressing skateboarding since he’s been in the game. Who would have thought he’s also Canadian?
Simple Session 2016 Qualifiers
Tallinn Estonia was going off for the 16th Annual Simple Session at the Saku arena. Chris Haslam, Chase Webb, Greg Lutzka, Felipe Gustavo and more were killing the course during the qualifiers.
Mano A Mano Round 1: Josh Borden vs. Chris Haslam
“Mano A Mano,” the worlds first Mini Ramp Game of S.K.A.T.E tournament, brought 16 top skateboarders together at Woodward West to compete head-to-head. Single-elimination format, 15 games span across four rounds from April 12 until-May 6 when we’ll crown our first “Mano a Mano” champion.
eh canadian story | dwindle distribution
TJ Rogers, Micky Papa, Morgan Smith, Ryan Decenzo, PLG, and Chris Haslam all have 2 things in common. They rip and they are all from our northern neighbor, the great white north, CANADA! They can’t sing or draw very well… but they’re Canadians and we support them!
Dwindle Park Crashers
Featuring Daniel Espinoza, Lucas Puig, Pete Eldridge, Joey Brezinski, Paul Hart, Dave Bachinsky, Ryan Decenzo, Greg Lutzka, TJ Rogers, Cody McEntire, Sewa Kroetkov, Zack Wallin, Caswell Berry, Jose Rojo, Thaynan Costa, Cooper Wilt, Willow, Daewon Song, Chris Haslam, Youness Amrani, Tommy Sandoval, Franky Villani, Chris Wimer, James Brockman and Jamie Thomas.
Rubbish Heap presents Chris Haslam, Willow, Zack Wallin, Ed Dominick, Ryan Decenzo and Tommy Sandoval having fun at a bank in Dubai.