It’s getting cold out there so let Gravette take you back to the carefree days of summer and tell some stories along the way. Dave digs deep on beer bongs, hippies, dingos and Steve Irwin all while throwing some wicked gainers along the way.
David Gravette Product Pillage Pointers
Story time with Baby Lamb. Gravette had a pretty solid first run through the factory… you could too!!!
The Creature Video Coffin Cuts: David Gravette
A Behind the Scenes glimpse and NEVER before seen footage of David Gravette from his “The Creature Video” Part. Stay tuned for more “Cuts” from some of the other Fiends over the next few weeks as Creature prepares to UNLEASH “THE CREATURE VIDEO” IN IT’S ENTIRETY EXCLUSIVELY ON CREACHTUBE!
Creature Feature: David Gravette CSFU Part
Hmm…. Wondering why so many Creature Features have been popping up? Is something happening? Are the fiends just getting lazy? Is Creature running out of content? Could it be a push for something bigger? Something worse? Only time will tell… Or will it?
Creature Quickie: David Gravette
Gravette with a Quick one while escpaing the Ol’ PNW snow storms at the Clatskanie Skatepark in Oregon.