John Worthington is Pro for Creature Skateboards!

The bell tolls in the name of John Worthington, for he is now Pro for Creature Skateboards. Pulverizing all concrete and pool plaster to ash like no other, John’s path of destruction is only gettin’ started as he ascends to Pro Status for the Black and Green. Peep the Pro part featuring Jworth and the Fiends, and Raise the Horns Up for Lord Worthington!

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CREATURE – Worthington’s Workshop | From the Tweaked Mind of John Worthington

Lord Worthington has been sending Creature some pretty insane videos lately, so they put him to the task of editing his own video for the Creach Tube. With John’s no-holds-barred approach to everything he sets his sights on, it’s no surprise that this edit is a mind melter! From the tweaked mind of John Worthington, Creature Proudly Presents: Worthington’s Workshop. Featuring John Worthington, Sean Blueitt, Joseph Goulart, Kyle Reyes, Theo Van Bruggen, John Wulfert, Ryan Krikava, and Joel Hulsey.

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