Krux TV: Best Of 2017

The Krux squad came through with some tasty skateboard action in 2017. Here’s a little sampler of some our favorite videos. Featuring: Louie Barletta, Nora Vasconcellos, Albert Nyberg, Kevin Braun, Ryan Reyes, Logan Frank, Amandus Mortensen, Kelvin Hoefler, Jon Nguyen, Silas Baxter-Neal, Cairo Foster, Tommy Sandoval, Nestot Judkins, Ron Whaley, Caswell Berry, Danny Fuenzalida, Aaron Goure, Ryan Lay, Alex Massotti, Anderson Stevie, Travis Harrison, Kechaud Johnson, Jeff Dechesare, Mike Paek, Brian Hastings and June Saito.

Looking forward to 2018! “It’s gonna be a great year, Gilbert.” -Louis Skolnick, Revenge of the Nerds

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A lot of goods came out of October. Aside from mass quantities of candy we have Alex Massotti and Stevie Anderson cleaning up the streets – Rail technician and operator of the smoothness Kelvin Hoefler gracing you with some crispy kicky backlippers and lastly… Johnny Law educating the children on the latest in holey trucks.

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Krux TV – Best of Aug/Sept 2017

The boys came through with a lot of goodness these past couple weeks. Danny Fuenzalida starts us of with “A New One a Day”, followed up by some sorcery with our young wizards June, Mike and Brian Hastings. Then right when you think your mind is about to explode, Aaron Goure comes thru with that Krimed and Kromped to SMACK your senses silly. Sit down for this one kids… it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

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