Phat Ed

Footage that Matt Pepe had filmed for Homebase Skateshop’s “LemmeGetDatFooty” video featuring Mike DeAngelis, Joey Rodriguez, Izzy Gonzalez, Luis Castro, Ben Taylor, Jared Jackson, Jibril Perry, Justin Jones, James Juckett, Gabe Chandler, Theo Korkidas, Kevin Liedtke, Ben Sasso, Hyung Juhn, Dmitri Cobb, Brandon Sandt and John Shanahan.

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Check out this full length video made up of footage that was donated to Kinetic Boardshop featuring footage from these main filmers; Matt Andersen, Matt Pepe, Matt Roberge, Trip Brown, Tombo Colabraro, Jake Todd, Max Zahradnik + Lost Soul Skateboards and Andy Vasquez.

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