Starring in order of appearance Jordan Queijo, Simon Perrottet , Gabriel Zufferey, Julien Januszkiewicz, Vincent Boyom , Celian Cordt-Moller, Guillaume Berthet, and Luc Boimond.
Luc Boimond “No Filter” / PREMIERE
As promised, in the interview introducing you to that phenomenon, here is the latest part from Luc, young Geneva local of the productive kind, despite some recent knee troubles! Extract from the recent David Goldsworthy production, No Filter, and in line with the spirit of Swiss Tech™ a tradition he has been holding the torch of, while adding his modern touch with his ability to tackle rough spots. Add a solid dose of pop, and you got yourself a fine young man!
Bordeaux Exposure 2
Starring Leo Valls, Glen Fox, Masaki Ui, Soy Panday, Vivien Feil, Olivier “Tavu” Ente, Aymeric Nocus, Gauthier Rouger, Carlos Young, John Lindsay, Jesse Narvaez, Vincent Boyom, Maxime Garlenc, Julien Mérour, Victor Pellegrin, Jérôme Romain aka Cloben, Victor Pellegrin, Alexis Greusard, Xavier Benavides, Simon Käkllvist, Yoan Taillandier, Antoine de Lassée, Thibaut Carpentier, Mickael Desbois, Kenny Adoua, Julien Januszkiewicz, Ben Januszkiewicz, Raphael Marque, Luc Boimond, Gabriel Zufferey, Guillaume Berthet, Simon Perrottet, and many others friends…
La Capsule Suisse – 242
Magenta Skateboards presents Soy Panday, Glen Fox, Vivien Feil, Jason Singer, Guillaume Berthet, Quentin Sené, Sylvain Tognelli, Marcus Bruggmann, Jerome Collomb, Karim Stadler, Jordan Queijo, Simon Perrottet and Luc Boimond in their latest edit.
242 at Doodah
242 Skateboards are now available at Doodah Stores featuring Marcus Bruggmann, Basile Amacher, Luc Boimond, Jason Singer, Jérome Collomb, Jordan Queijo, Gabriel Zufferey & Alexis de Caprona.