Cold Gravy #17 Bay Area Skateboarding

Dmondre Webster, Tony Potenti, Leland Goldberg, Moses Salazar, Jason Ross, Joe Sudduth, D’ontae Smith, Dustin Leary, Daniel Miranda, Jazreal Imperial, RODRIGO, Fred Hein, Johnny Banuelos, Harley Morse, Jonas Harris, Tyler Schlatt, Greg Millions, Nick Frink and Matty Hunt skate in this throwaway montage from the filming of the new full length “Warm Gravy”.

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Aaron Goure – Whoa! Of The Week

Aaron Goure secures himself this Whoa! Of The Week from Metro Skateshop to promote his part in the new video “Deserted” with full parts from Jett Eaton, Anthony Patino, Brandon Short, Jagger Eaton, Kea Smith, Tyler Gould, Dustin Gaszak, Andrew Jacquez, Kane Kimball, Thomas Turner, Brett Redman, Jeremy Ray, Kam Krigel and Jarrad Nelson. Chcek out the AZ crew’s videos HERE

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