Jeremy Wray – Stop And Chat | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts

We Stop And Chat with Jeremy Wray to discuss doing his own graphics back in the day, doing his trick a day challenge on his mini ramp, skating the Gonz gap in 1993, his marathon line at the Carlsbad gap, working on shapes with Rodney Mullen, why he never went back to frontside 360 down the Love Park fountain, his board setup, his company Wray Bros, the first person to ollie the San Diego triple set and much more!

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Stevie Williams – Stop And Chat | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts

We Stop And Chat with Stevie Williams to discuss what sparked him to work out and skate everyday, what he thinks the skate industry is missing and needs, skating with his son, breaking down some of his most memorable clips, putting Chaz Ortiz on DGK, his relationship with Vergil Abloh, why he’s only filming Instagram clips these days and much more!

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Tony Ferguson – Stop & Chat | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts

We Stop And Chat with Tony Ferguson to discuss when he first met Jeron Wilson, being asked to ride for Blind but why he held off for Plan B, filming skits for Girl & Chocolate videos, living with Eric Koston, starting his footwear company “Rone Brand”, getting into the comfy home wear category, skating with his son, breaking down some of his most memorable tricks, why he didn’t have a full part in “Yeah Right” and much more!

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Corey Duffel – Stop And Chat | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts

We Stop And Chat with Corey Duffel to discuss breaking his femur through his pelvis, slipping out on a bag of Doritos and tweaking his knee, reviewing some of his gnarliest slams and makes, his current board setup, his disappearing cookies, having two broken arms while on tour in Australia, trying not to over-impress when first getting sponsored and much more!

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Tim Gavin – Stop And Chat | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts

We Stop And Chat with Tim Gavin to discuss the first time he met Jeron Wilson, getting on Girl Skateboards, his son is now into skating, living with Jeron in the valley, selling product back in the day, starting DVS being his friends “boss”, in a hotel room calling Rodney Mullen with everyone passing the phone around to quit, what made him essentially quit skating and much more!

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