Directed by Ludovic Azemar with Gabriel Engelke, Samuel Partaix, Remy Taveira, Peter Molec, Yeelen Moens, Robin Bolian, Mickael Germond, Pepe Tirelli, Quentin Boillon, Samu Karvonen, Roland Hirsch, Thanos Panou, Victor Pellegrin, Teemu Pirinen, Michel Mahringer, Uryann Raudet, and Julien Bachelier.
One Star World Tour 2018
The Converse Cons One Star Pro is back on the road in 2018! With a Worldly Crew of skaters, and 16 days on the road in front of them, the One Star pushed its way through Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, England and France! Featuring Juan Virues, Felipe Bartolome, Ryan Townley, Dane Barker, Shane Farber, Kaue Cossa, Remy Taveira, Max Taylor, Paul Grund, and Bobby De Keyzer.
Directed by Ludovic Azemar with Gabriel Engelke, Samuel Partaix, Remy Taveira, Peter Molec, Yeelen Moens, Robin Bolian, Mickael Germond, Pepe Tirelli, Quentin Boillon, Samu Karvonen, Roland Hirsch, Thanos Panou, Victor Pellegrin, Teemu Pirinen, Michel Mahringer, Uryann Raudet, and Julien Bachelier.
Antiz – Echoes From The Road – Episode 1 – 2018
Featuring Gabriel Engelke, Samuel Partaix, Remy Taveira, Peter Molec, Yeelen Moens, Robin Bolian, Mickael Germond, Pepe Tirelli, Quentin Boillon, Samu Karvonen, Roland Hirsch, Thanos Panou, Victor Pellegrin, Teemu Pirinen, Michel Mahringer, Uryann Raudet, and Julien Bachelier.
Enigma Bowl Session – Antiz
Back in 2014, with Remy Taveira, Samu Karvonen, Michel Mahringer and Gabriel Engelke, at The Enigma Bowl in Greece!
Featured skaters: Sylvain Tognelli, Nick Jensen, Casper Brooker, Jan Kliewer, Joseph Biais, Rémy Taveira, Josh Pall, Chris Jones and Armand Vaucher.
DPY – 3 – De Paris Of London Aus Berlin
Featuring Remy Taveira, Kevin Rodriguez, Roman Gonzales, Tom Knox, Jake Collins, Jarne Verbrugen, Didrik Gallasso, Joseph Biais, Vincent Coupeau, Denny Pham, Dennis Busenitz, and Kyron Davis.
The first cyborgs were on. Autonomous and programmed to disconnect every opponent to the unique reality diktat, they would be a continuous threat for us. Besides eyes, the system had now tentacles everywhere. Featuring Maya Coline, Remy Taveira, Joseph Biais, Bram De Cleen, Eduardo Depaz, Valentin Bauer, Yeelen Moens, and Florian Merten.
Rush Hour in Paris
Kingpin Magazine brings you Rémy Taveira, Vincent Coupeau and Edouard Depaz testing their luck on some of the most guarded spots in Paris.
Converse presents #Pleasecharge – Released Thursday 25th June
Converse’s International skateboard video #Pleasecharge featuring Remy Taveira, Harry Lintell, Felipe Bartolome, Jerome Campbell, Paul Grund, Greg Cuadrado, Kevin Rodrigues, David Stenström, Javier Mendizabal, Carlos Cardenosa, Danny Sommerfeld, Daniel Pannemann & Sylvain Tognelli is coming this Thursday.
Vicious Circle
Filmed in Pari featuring Yoan Taillandier, Greg Cuadrado, Lucien Clarke, Karl Salah, Sam Partaix, Vincent Touzery, Leo Valls, Oscar Candon, Remy Taveira, Daniel Ledermann, Juan Esteban Saavedra and Maxime Michel, Greg Dezecot, and Romain Batard. Increase the sound for more pleasure.
Converse CONS KA3 European Launch
Kenny Anderson travels to Berlin to launch his new KA3 shoe from Converse with Euro skaters Remy Taveira, Paul Grund, Danny Sommerfeld, Daniel Pannemann, Jerome Campbell, Harry Lintell, Gregoire Cuadrado, Eduard De Paz and Roman Gonzales.