Major Bethlehem Skate Plaza Montage with Matt Andersen, Brandon Sandt, Chris Berner, Brendan Spohn, Joey Rodriguez, Matt Pepe, Izzy Gonzalez, Gabe Chandler, Dan Lawrence, Mike DeAngelis, Cliff Castoral, Jared Jackson, Justin Jones, Jibril Perry, Ronald “Cookie” Escueta, Eric Elliot, Dmitri Cobb and Theo Korkidas.
Bethlehem SkatePlaza Edit
Featuring Matt Andersen, Seth Schiavo, Ben Taylor, Chris Berner, John Shanahan, Dmitri Cobb, Mike DeAngelis, Joey Adams, Eric Nieves, Eric Elliot, Brandon Sandt, Izzy Gonzalez and Ronald “Cookie” Escueta.