Coming at you with a heavy block of raw footage of Aaron Herrington from 2014 while working on his classic opening part from Static IV. This edit includes lots of unseen clips from the time and second makes, additional angles and some footage that ended up in Jeremy Elkin’s “Poisonous Products”. This is a banger so sit back and enjoy….it also includes some easter eggs of special guest cameos including Hjalte Halberg, Jerome Campbell, Sylvester Eduardo, Jimmy Macdonald, Kevin Tierney, Billy McFeely and Kevin Lowry. Enjoy.
Matthew Velez drops “Sable” featuring Mike Velez, Joey Jordan, Tyler Dudas, Nick Napolitano, Chris Campion, Ian McGraw, Sam Cardelfe, Drew Ricci, Kevin Darmon, Ed Kuus, Matt Velez, Brian Costadina, Braydon Szafranski, Dan Tutalo, Dylan Wisniewski, Chachi, Billy McFeely, Kevin Davis, Joe Russo, Justin Helmkamp, Jesse Chahalis, Sylvester Eduardo, Nick Ferro, Richie Rizzo, Josh Wilson, Zach Bonime and Mark Humienik.
Sylvester Eduardo for 5BORO
Sylvester Eduardo throws down a line for 5BORO with a guest trick from Rafael Gomes.