TSP Fellowship Program First In-Person Cohort Meetup in San Diego, CA!

In January 2022, TSP hosted the Fellowship Program cohort for their first program retreat in San Diego, CA. The advocacy training and project design program aims to build more knowledgeable, diverse, and equipped skatepark advocates, designers, and programmers and has already helped our first group of 12 fellows make a positive impact in the social skate space.

The trip allowed the fellows to connect in person and see firsthand what it takes to create and maintain quality community skate spaces. Listen in to learn more about the program, the fellows, and their skatepark advocacy journey to date!

Learn more about the TSP Fellowship Program HERE.

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What will happen to the West LA Courthouse Skate Spot?

The site of the world famous West LA Courthouse skate spot is being redeveloped. Local advocates like Save Court House, the LA Conservancy and CSEF are working with The Skatepark Project, local council and neighbors to replicate and honor the history and impact of the space in a new, nearby site. Follow them to get involved. Watch the full video and see how you can help!

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