Arto Saari | The Nine Club – Episode 302

Arto Saari discusses growing up in Finland, skating in the Europe contests for the first time, getting on Flip Skateboards, skating with Geoff Rowley during the filming of Flip video “Sorry”, working on Transworld’s “Feedback” video with Ty Evans, front boarding El Toro, why he left Flip for Alien Workshop, filming for the Alien Workshop video “Mind Field”, returning to Flip, having a heart condition & getting surgery, why he went from eS to Etnies, building a pool with Lance Mountain in his backyard, the new Arto eS shoe and much more!

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CRAILTAP WEAKDAYS: 1st Street Bridge

A good chunk of the crew were in town for Girl’s 30th anniversary celebration, so we decided to all link up for a classic Weakdays session at Vincent’s new spot he’s been workin’ on. Featuring Carlisle Aikens, Andrew Brophy, Vincent Alvarez, Niels Bennett, Simon Bannerot, James Capps, Cody Chapman, Rick McCrank and Cory Kennedy.

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