BEAGLE Tapes: Episode 40 – Jeff Lenoce and Erik Ellington

Post BAKER2G and pre 9/11, Beagle and team persist a perpetual era. Jeff Lenoce attempts a nollie frontside noseslide on a crusty 7-stair out-ledge. He rides a couple of sketchy ones, but the foot-traffic wears and tears on a skater’s soul. Dogtown, the birthplace of the culture. Andrew Reynolds nollie half Cab heel flips the nine stair, with a classic elephant t-shirt. On the way out, Erik Ellington kickflip noseslides a bump-to-ledge on the outer corridor. Alex “Trainwreck” suggests some “ice colds.”

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BEAGLE Tapes: Episode 39 – Brian “Slash” Hansen and Justin “Figgy” Figueroa

An Altamont/No Age tour to Austin, TX for SXSW. The team stops by a Texas ditch to get the day started. Brian “Slash” Hansen finds the road less traveled and crosses the chasm.

Moving downtown, local folklore spoke of an untouched rail named “The Green Goblin.” An arch nemesis, Justin “Figgy” Figueroa destroys the Supervillain second try. Norman Osborn RIP.

The next day, on the rooftop of No-Comply Skateshop, “The Goat” performs for the locals. Jimmy Beamin’ got you steamin’?.. Arizona got you fucked up?.. What really happened at Altamont?.. Ask Mick Jagger. Circa 2009

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Deathwish Skateboards Invades SPoT

On Wednesday, September 26 Jamie Foy, Lizard King, Christian Henry, Pedro Delfino, Taylor Kirby, Neen, Jake Hayes, Jon Dickson, Beagle, Eric Valdez and Jeff Lenoce tore through SPoT in true Deathwish style. When the smoke cleared, they were nice enough to sign autographs and give out free stuff to the fans. Thanks to those dudes for making us a stop on your 2018 tour…check out the highlights.

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