Actions REALized : Dan Mancina

Dan Mancina is no different than any skateboarder – he loves every second of it and doesn’t let anything get in his way. While losing his eyesight at the age of 23 due to a degenerative eye disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa cast a spotlight on him in the skateboard community, he was already a strong part of it. After the first time he skated with the Real Team he was instantly a part of the crew. With Dan’s help we worked on a special Actions REALized board designed specifically for the visually impaired.

Learn more about Dan’s story on

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The skater who lost his vision, but not his passion. | Out of Frame w/ Dan Mancina

Prepare to be amazed, as we meet up with a skater who lost his vision, but never his passion.
Imagine that one day, at a young age, you’re told that something was wrong with your vision. Like a race against time, each day your vision deteriorates a little bit more until one day you wake up and, like that, your sight is gone. That’s exactly what happened to Dan Mancina, a skateboarder from Livonia, Michigan, just outside of Detroit.

How does someone skate when they’re blind? Simply put, at first, Mancina didn’t.

Grappling with the anxiety, fear and depression that accompanied his loss of vision, Mancina set aside his board, thinking that skating was part of his former life. He moved forward, doing everything he thought he should be doing as a blind person, but still felt a huge void.

That all changed one day when Mancina decided to film some random video clips of him doing things that he thought other people would assume blind people couldn’t do. One of those clips being of him skateboarding.

He posted the clip, it went viral, and he hasn’t put his board down since.

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