DGK – Zeitgeist – Full Length Video

Each Era has a unique spirit of a generation or a period of time, this is DGK’s. Featuring Darius Jackson, Chaz Ortiz, Juan Moreno, Josue Dosouto, Brian Reid, Adriel Parmisano, Gianfranco Garozzo, Will Mazzari, Dane Vaughn, Anthony Davis, Adrian Mccoy, Brian Panebianco, Boo Johnson, Grady Smith, Kevin Bilyeu, Josh Kalis, Adolfo Franco, Deon Harris, Dlamini Dlamini, Isaac Walker, Mike Lawry, Gab Galipeau, Doogie Lester, Yorlin Phillips, Ashura Parchment, Tatem Dorder, Etienne Turnbull, Noah Francisco, Yuki Sawashima, Gerv Ndong, Joy Awosika, Dwayne Fagundes, Nick Dias, Kevin Augustine, John Shanahan, Monty Clifton, Max Guisse, Eric Valladares, Adrianne Sloboh, Ryan Farley, Johnathan Gonzales, Akeem Carby, Izzy Gonzalez, Curtis Fontenot, Collin Slew, Marquise Henry and Stevie Williams.

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DGK – Zeitgeist – Full Length Video

Each Era has a unique spirit of a generation or a period of time, this is DGK’s. Featuring Darius Jackson, Chaz Ortiz, Juan Moreno, Josue Dosouto, Brian Reid, Adriel Parmisano, Gianfranco Garozzo, Will Mazzari, Dane Vaughn, Anthony Davis, Adrian Mccoy, Brian Panebianco, Boo Johnson, Grady Smith, Kevin Bilyeu, Josh Kalis, Adolfo Franco, Deon Harris, Dlamini Dlamini, Isaac Walker, Mike Lawry, Gab Galipeau, Doogie Lester, Yorlin Phillips, Ashura Parchment, Tatem Dorder, Etienne Turnbull, Noah Francisco, Yuki Sawashima, Gerv Ndong, Joy Awosika, Dwayne Fagundes, Nick Dias, Kevin Augustine, John Shanahan, Monty Clifton, Max Guisse, Eric Valladares, Adrianne Sloboh, Ryan Farley, Johnathan Gonzales, Akeem Carby, Izzy Gonzalez, Curtis Fontenot, Collin Slew, Marquise Henry and Stevie Williams.

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DGK x White Castle

In 1921, a man named Billy Graham opened up a small hamburger stand with $700 and an idea to sell small, square hamburgers for five-cents. The concept grew to be the first hamburger chain in the world; inspiring everything from movies to pop culture with the same quality product it gained notoriety from. Never breaking from its roots, the Slider showed how far a burger could go when it was named “Most influential burger of all time” by Time Magazine.

Billy Graham’s hunger is something very native to DGK. Stevie Williams founded the brand on the same authentic fundamentals that made White Castle iconic generation after generation. Both began with just an idea and changed how we look at the world.

This is For Those who Crave. Shop the Collection HERE.

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