Deathwish Skateboards Invades SPoT

On Wednesday, September 26 Jamie Foy, Lizard King, Christian Henry, Pedro Delfino, Taylor Kirby, Neen, Jake Hayes, Jon Dickson, Beagle, Eric Valdez and Jeff Lenoce tore through SPoT in true Deathwish style. When the smoke cleared, they were nice enough to sign autographs and give out free stuff to the fans. Thanks to those dudes for making us a stop on your 2018 tour…check out the highlights.

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The first ever slopestyle skate course. | Red Bull Roller Coaster 2018 in Munich, Germany

We bring you a first look at how it was made and how it skates, as the circus rolls into town at Red Bull Roller Coaster! Join Zion Wright and Jamie Foy as they present the new FIRST EVER Slopestyle Skate Course (or skateboarding assault course) built up in the German city of Munich, at the Olympic Park. As you are by now doubtless aware, the ever-excellent Munich Mash festival took place this weekend in the Bavarian capital – and this year it sees the debut of Red Bull Roller Coaster, a 300m long skateboarding assault course designed to establish who can best handle all-terrain business at breakneck speed.

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Cheesecake Hubba Greatest Hits (R.I.P)

Featuring Bagel and Joey Ragali, Brad Cromer, David Hamzik, Joey Ragali, Justin Fuller, Derek Mclean, Kevin Shealy, Josh Baker, Zion Wright, Johan Stuckey, Jonathan Ettman, Will Gomez, Pedro Delfino, Sean Conover, Jamie Foy, Nick Zizzo, Jake Donelly, Gilbert Crockett, David Perry, Blake Carpenter, Dan Lundy, Walker Ryan, Tony Cristopher, Anthony Garcia, Josh Douglas, Charlie Cassidy, Josiah Gatlyn and Dylan Rieder.

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