Kallen Matlock Pinching out a steezy fs crook on a famous Oakland handrail and just decided to throw a lil tailgrab in the mix. Rad shit Kallen!
Checkout Josh Fajardo and Kallen Matlock’s part from the FTC full length video “Chaodown”.
Kallen Matlock Small Beating Quick Edit
Quick edit of Kallen Matlock for Small Beating Skateboard Co.
FTC Young Bucks 2
Featuring; Kallen Matlock, Nico Hiraga, Tafari Whitter, Jonathan Wells, Max Otake, Darnell Coleman, Ian Elsasser, Josh Fajardo, Matt Dodge, Angel, Keita Wilson, Sam Chao, Desmond Billie, Danny Cusulos, Dean Cusulos, Eric Alford and Joel Misner.