How Jereme Knibbs Won The Boardr Am at NYC

When Jereme Knibbs sends our text group sample street clips from his recent adventures, we get extra hyped at the ripping rampage he’s been on. One of the most exciting things I’ve heard him say is, “I can’t wait to show you what I can’t show you right now.” Looking forward to it, Jereme. He just won The Boardr Am at NYC today with this run. Congrats! He’s headed to Am Getting Paid in Montreal for the Season Finals where he’s in the Semi-Finals set to pick up his piece of the $20,000USD pie there. Thanks to everyone that skated today. Next stop is Huntington Beach on July 29th.

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The Boardr Am Skateboarding Contest Series at LES: June 3, 2017

Not only can your Boardr Fund be used for your own travel and other expenses needed to get it done in skateboarding, but you can now also apply it to entry fees for events like The Boardr Am and GFL Series. We’ll be regularly picking some of our favorite up and coming ams and throwing $100 in their #BoardrFund good towards The Boardr Am entry fees. We’re in the process of locking down dates for 2017, including the Series Finals where ams will get paid. Watch for announcements and updates on that soon at

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Recap: The Boardr Am at New York City

Once again, it came down to the last runs in the Finals where Maurio McCoy was holding the lead. Jake Ilardi had the slight benefit of going last in the Finals from his clean sweep of the Semi-Finals and Qualifiers where he had just placed first in both. On Jake’s third and final run, also the last run of the day, he put it down and edged out Maurio for the win at this stop.

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