Josh Shupe’s Conjure featuring Ryan Cooper, Cameron Dell, Nick Guertin, Logan Lewis, Matthew Sharer and many more.
Conjure Trailer
Conjure premieres October 7th featuring Ryan Cooper, Cameron Dell, Logan Lewis, Nick Guertin, Matthew Sharer and many more!
THREADCLEANER- James Sayres/Nick Guertin
Showcasing James Sayres and The Northern Company’s Tennessee brother Nick Guertin from “Threadcleaner”.This section filmed and edited by Alex Rose.
Thank and Think
Nick Guertin and Jim Arnold in “Threads” by Alex Rose and Matt Creasy.
A silent skateboarding film from TENNSKATE featuring Wil Harcrow, Randy Rhodes, Hartman Austin, Nick Guertin, R.J. Hess, Keaton Brown, Nick Turner, Chris Scoggins, Fletcher Renegar, Matt Sharer, Matt Taylor, Shane Powell, Cameron Zvejnieks and Jim Arnold.
“Ghost Town” Teaser
Featuring Jim Arnold, Randy Rhodes, Nick Guertin, Shane Powell, James Coleman, Hartman Austin, Wil Harcrow and R.J. Hess; coming soon.
Wassup My Nooga?!
A video by Josh Shupe featuring Jim Arnold, Scott Basford, Jay Mcdonald, Ethan Shulman, Nick Guertin, Chris Scoggins, Cameron Dell and Ryan Cooper.
Nick Guertin in Videophile
Tennskate drops Nick Guertin’s part from the full length “Videophile”.
Videophile Teaser
Premieres March 9t. featuring; Jim Arnold, Chris Long, Chris Burton, Hartman Austin, Nick Guertin, James Coleman, Chris Scoggins, Nick Turner, Jay Mcdonald, Fletcher Renegar, Ryan Cooper and Cameron Dell.