Some raw footage from Sam Cardelfe
We Are Young
Featuring; Ian McGraw, Matt Defillippo, Andy Floros, Jon Wagner, Sam Cardelfe, Tim Lyons, Wes Masco, Brian Grande, Robby Rosano, Connor Peterson, Pat Kennedy, and Dan King.
Filmed/Edited by: Connor Peterson
Additional: Matt Defillippo and Baby-J
The Navajo Know
Montage by Brendan Gilliam featuring Ian McGraw, Brendan Gilliam, Travis Fragale, Tim Lyons, Sam Cardelfe, and Max Van Dexter.
Wood Shop Asbury Park
Featuring; Sam Cardelfe, Mike Ward, Tim Lyons, Ian Mcgraw, and Jason Carroll
Jesus for the Jugular
Our new montage from Brendan Gilliam featuring Skate Nugg homies Mike Colonna, Rob Gallo, Phil Falzarano, Pete Conopask, Arjun Shah, Marc Autorino, Brendan Gilliam, Brian Grande, Matt Defillippo, Jon Wagner, Sam Cardelfe, Jason Carroll, & Ian McGraw
Nugg of the Week – Sam Cardelfe
Sam Cardelfe tre flips his way onto the Nugg of the Week. Don’t forget to email your Nugg to for a chance to be the next!
Filmed by : Matt Defillippo
Bad Bones
Featuring; Tim Lyons, Brian Smock, Kevin Smock, Jon Wagner, Robby Rosano, Connor Peterson, Matt DeFillippo, Brendan Gilliam, Sam Cardelfe and Leif Petterson
Filmed/Edited by Matt DeFillippo
Additional Filming by Connor Peterson, Nick Ghanbary and Rob Gallo