In the Season 2 finale of Joey Brezinski’s Official Skatepark Review, Joey and Rip link up with Carter Oeflein, Seu Trinh, Jagger Eaton, and Deathwish Skateboards’ very own Neen Williams at one of San Diego’s biggest and best-furnished skateparks. With three bowls, multiple stairsets, and countless kickers, this park took a full day to review – but it was worth it!
Skateboarding and more with Youness Amrani, Daewon Song, Austyn Gillette, Ronnie Creager, Danny Garcia, James Craig, Adrian Kolbo, John Bell, Sammy Montano, Willow, Sam Wanless, Ben Paulsrud, Reverend Baron, Trent Gaines, Walter Gillette, Lillian Hewko, Seu Trinh, and friends.