Filmed and edited by Sam Zentner. Featuring: Steve Perdue, Jesse Vieira, Ryan Barlow, Alex Greemann, P-Spliff, Brian Delatorre, Scott O’Rourke, Tons of Fun, Vince Duran, Bobby Groves, Seth Ramirez, Kenny Hurd, Nickodem Rudzinski, Drake Johnson, Lui Elliot, Josh Riviere, and Daniel Weinstein.
No Tengo
Featuring Steve Perdue, Tetra, Taylor Nida, Bill Cunningham, Jordan Hill, Kevin Davis, Benjamin Paulsrud, Kenny Hurd, Nathan Porter, Roger Krebs, Seth Ramirez, Alex Greemann, Ryan Barlow, Jesse Vieira, Adrian Williams, Justin Healey, Scott O’Rourke, Dave Abair, Nickodem Rudzinski, Emmet Bleiler and Pablo Carranza.
Imperial Motion en Mexico
Imperial Motion traveled to Mexico with Peter Raffin, Jon Nguyen, Josh Anderson, Jimmy Carlin, Steve Perdue, Alex Massotti, and Jose Rojo.
Imperial Motion’s Peter Raffin, Steve Perdue and Jon Nguyen skate San Jose, Los Angeles and then head to the Phoenix Am.