Red Bull – The Hidden Colony

‘When he proposed to link up with Yoshi Tanenbaum, Vladik Scholz, Thaynan Costa and Marius Syvanen to take on the manifold challenges of skating Hong Kong and Macau, luminary lensman Jonathan Mehring stepped up to handle photographic duties, and Patrik Wallner who quickly established himself as the leading light of the left-field skate exploration, documented the procedure.

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The L.A. Boys [official trailer]

In 1989, four teenage friends from Los Angeles had a chance encounter with “Bones Brigade” mastermind Stacy Peralta that would forever change their lives and the future of skateboarding. This is the story of “The L.A. Boys,” a new feature-length documentary presented by featuring Guy Mariano, Paulo Diaz, Rudy Johnson, Gabriel Rodriguez, Stacy Peralta, Lance Mountain, Tony Hawk and many more skate legends.

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This first episode is taking us to Beaulieu, a quiet corner of South of France, where an abandoned lot has been messed with since 1998, in good harmony with local authorities, and has had time to become a rallying point for all perfectly unperfected transitions lovers. Here is a new chapter of their adventure…

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EIGHT08Lately Episode 16

First week of 2017 figured we’d start it out right with Episode 16 of Eight08Lately! Its been a mintue since the last episod, but we promise to bring you one every three months this year! watch Cyprus Blanco the new up n coming Hawaii ripper tear it up from parks, to street, to mini ramp! Bedpan and the boys hit some cutty Eastside spots, and the Drysen brothers tech up the rec center and DLXHI ramp! All this action and much much more! As Tom Slick would say, “Stay tuned for the next skateboard adventure!”

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