No Comply Skate Shop | Vol.11

Featuring: Garrett Young, Reese Barton, Cosmo Martinez, Grant Jensen, Max Jang, Lake Stiles, Nick Marti, Patrick Woodling, Tony Gomez, Mark Roberts, Roman Carrillo, Anthony Hunter, Greer Ruedin, Jayson Bentley, Calvin Millar, Spencer Owens, Sean Donaldson, Dylan Roy, Drew Pickell, Dharam Khalsa, Marshall Manuel, Justin Williamson, Chris Batts, Brooks Wilson, Alder Wilson, Manuel Castro , Tanner Quigg , Ed Rodriguez, JB Garcia, Tim Soeung, Travis Clow, Sean Villars, Graham McElroy, Ian Rosenberg, Rob Homyak, Phil Le, Nigel Hendricks, Ryan Thompson, Kyle Cylencki, Max Taylor, and Brian Gonterman.

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Jeff Grosso | The Nine Club With Chris Roberts – Episode 85

The show that has skateboarders talking – This week This week Jeff Grosso discusses growing up in Eagle Rock CA, moving to Arcadia, quitting high school a credit short a month before graduation, his first sponsor Variflex, getting on Powell Peralta, leaving Powell Peralta to turn pro for Schmitt Stix, his heavy drug use, smuggling a ball of hash through airport security for Hosoi, partying on Robitussin, nearly killing Ross Goodman, leaving Santa Cruz for Lucero Limited which turned into Black Label, overdosing and almost dying multiple times, working normal jobs to get by, getting on Vans and Antihero, how he feels about skateboarding in the Olympics, Love letters and much more!

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Rob ‘Sluggo’ Boyce : The REAL Video ’93

Rob ‘Sluggo’ Boyce was one of the first riders on REAL.

He pushed technical vert skateboarding and barfed after every contest run. On REAL’s 1st tour in Europe, Sluggo, Max and Salman blindly continued on after TG and Jim both got injured. The fact that he and the crew didn’t have a credit card or know hardly anyone set the tone for how we / REAL would approach every tour and trip since. Go out, embrace the road and all it brings, give it your all and have fun with it.

Sluggo continues to push skateboarding and will always be a family member. We love you Rob.

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