The Tony Hawk Foundation Is Now THE SKATEPARK PROJECT

The Tony Hawk Foundation has announced a change in name, but not in focus. Now known as The Skatepark Project, the organization continues its award-winning work to support community skatepark projects across the U.S., and skatepark-based programming internationally.

Its mission is to help underserved communities create safe and inclusive public skateparks for youth. The Skatepark Project envisions thriving, healthy and sustainable communities throughout the United States in which young people have equitable access to safe outdoor spaces for creative expression, physical activity and a sense of belonging.

Head to to learn more about how to support public skateparks through The Skatepark Project or get help with your local public skatepark advocacy project.

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HUF SF Rough Cut

An extended cut of the team in San Francisco for the HUF SF store opening. Featuring Dick Rizzo, Brad Cromer, Tyler Bledsoe, Dan Plunkett, Salomon Cardenas, Justin Drysen, Carlisle Aikens, Erik Herrera, Sam Navaez, Simon Jensen, and Teddy Seeley.

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JENKEM – The Best of Copenhagen Open 2021

If you were like us and weren’t at the annual Copenhagen skate contest this year, you were probably dying to know what went down. Jenkem hit up their friend Andres to document the timeless weekend. Although it doesn’t capture all the drunken action we’ve come to expect at night, there’s plenty of high speed chaos during the day to get you curiously checking airline prices for next years event. – JENKEM

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