Platfrm Portraits: Braden Hoban’s Path to Success, Contest Glory, and Street Priorities

23-year-old instant classic out of San Diego tells his story in this edition of Portrait: Braden Hoban. Braden’s skating speaks for itself. His trick selection is timeless and his power perfectly balances his prowess. Braden explains his origins from skating long hours as part of his daily school routine, to finding himself in the Toy Machine van with his idols calling home to say he’s going to be missing more school than originally planned. Inspired by the video parts of his now peers, Braden talks about his drive to film as many parts to his greatest potential while he can. Although he’s found serious contest success in recent years, his priorities are still in the streets. “There’s a lot that I want to do. There’s a lot that I have to prove…”

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CORE: Familia Skateboard Shop Keeps the Juice Flowing

Tap in with the shop crew in this episode of Core Familia Skate for true insider insight on how to create a community, and check out their new all-in-one facility. Over the years there have been three different retail locations around Minneapolis, but now they have brought the shop to the park for a permanent home. OG and owner Steve Nesser has two things to say about: “Having everything under one roof has been a night and day difference,” and “The goal has always been to juice it up.” This is how you support skateboarding.

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