Featuring; TJ Saccoh, James Pitonyak, Ronnie Kessner, Javier Mendez, Elliot Coss, Anthony Enochs, Joshua Rodriguez, Charlie “Bull” Doran, Ronnie Gordon, Arjun Shah, Phil Rubin, Carlos Guttierez, Justin Engle, Blaine Kendall, Myles Cream, Sean “Mushet” Mancini, Mike Garbe, Dan Whelan, Dominic Rosato, Paul Fox and Adam Toscani

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Red Chile Teaser

Check out the trailer for the Red Chile video premiereing December 21, 2012 at the “UNM Sub Ballroom” Bryant Chapo, Alfred Flores, Kenny Garcia, Teal Harbour, Jake Johnson, Nick Jojola, Josh Lamberti, Sean Lloyd, Steven Lovato, Brad Philipbar, Cyprian Preut, and Cody Raver

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