Brian Dolle, Jay Meador, Stephen Khou, Daniel Leung, Brian Peacock, Tommy Zhao and Michael Mackrodt skate Shanghai.
Brandon Westgate Skates Boston
Elliott Vecchia spent a couple days out in Boston with Brandon Westgate, check out the footage they collected.
Lurkville AZ 2013
Featuring Dolan Stearns, Mike Abarta, Marshal Winter and Fritz Mead on their trip down to the 2013 Phoenix Am.
Politic Miami
Featuring; Steve Durante, Brian Brown, Danny Renaud, Curtis Rapp, and Jason Spivey.
Shitty Kids in Hawaii Part 2
The shitty kids continue their skateboarding adventure on the big island of Hawaii.
“Keep Discovering” – Michael Mackrodt Retrospective (Part 2)
Check out part 2 of the Michael Mackrodt retrospective after being 10 years on the Element Europe team.
ATM Trip Out To Phoenix Am
ATM takes a road trip out to the 2013 Phoenix am with guests Tyler Mumma, Nolan Helmstetter, James Martin and Brock Lorentzen.
Trippin’ With World Industries in South America
Andrew Cannon, Derek Fukuhara, Matt Mendenhall, and Timmy Knuth skate South America.
Shaun Gregoire for Destructo
Shaun Gregoire rides his Harley from Washington D.C. to Long Beach California collecting clips along the way.
Osiris in Panama
Taylor Bingaman, Chad Bartie and Leticia Bufoni take a weekend shred in Panama for a demo.
a DVS Weeknd with Stig and Maxi – Part 1 and 2
Stig Breu and Maxi Schaible meet up with Johannes Schön.
Skateboarder Luis Tolentino returns to the Dominican Republic – Ep 2 & 3
Luis Tolentino heads back to the Dominican Republic from NYC to spread the word of skateboarding to the youth.