The shortest run up for a kickflip back lip from Daniel Espinoza, promoting Cliche Skateboards new full length “BON VOYAGE”.
Jorge Farah Cervera – Shredit Cards
Mexican skater Jorge Farah Cervera submits what should be a pro edit for this week’s game of Shredit Cards with the biggest tricks we have ever seen.
Danny Falla and Joe Tookmanian for 5BORO
Danny Falla and Joe Tookmanian in the 10th commercial to come from 5BORO.
Desmond Billie Throwaway Edit
Desmond Billie’s 2013 throwaway edit
Filmed/Editedd – Bobpantsoff
Massimo Cavedoni Raw Footage
Some forgotten raw footage of Massimo Cavedoni from a few years back.
Melbourne Montage
Featuring Shane O’Neil, Ale Cesana, Ben Smith, Louie Carney, Dave Harris, Jack Crook, Jaz Corea, Yuta Tanaka & Tommy Fynn.
Filmed/Edited – James James
Jart Skateboards – Seb Simon All you need Re-edit
Check out Seb Simon’s part from the “All You Need” video with new and unused tricks.
World Industries South America Demos
Derek Fukuhara, Timmy Knuth, Andrew Cannon and Matt Mendenhall take on South America for World Industries.
Paradise Wheels – Spring Team Montage
Featuring Matt Rodriguez, Ron Allen, Dave Abair, Carlos Young, Hugo Balek, Fernando Covarrubias and Zak Gonzalez.
Pedro Barros Wins Gold in X Games Brazil Skatepark
Check out Pedro Barros winning run at the 2013 X Games Skatepark in Brazil.
The Deathwish Video is out now on iTunes, click HERE and download your copy now!!!
Weekend Leftovers # 4
Featuring Alvaro Galarce, Stanley Inacio, Fabi Michel, Alex Ullmann, NIkita Weltman, Matthias Ellinger
Johnny and Joakim Poijo.
Filmed/Edited – Jon Wolf