Shuriken Shannon, Fred Gall, Danny Dicola and Darius “Woogie” Jackson skate and grill tacos in Colorado.
Shuriken Shannon, Fred Gall, Danny Dicola and Darius “Woogie” Jackson skate and grill tacos in Colorado.
Danny Dicola answers 5 questions and lays down five tricks for Strange Notes and OJ Wheels.
$lave congratulates you on surviving the end of the word with this board lineup from Anthony Schultz, Jon Allie, Jon Goemann, Matt Mumford, Conhuir Lynn, Pat Burke, Danny Dicola, and Frecks.
Birthday Jam at Block Box featuring Ryan Bobier, Kurt Hodge, Nick Boserio, Trevor Colden, Dylan Messer, Danny Scher, Pete Eldridge, Sean Sheffy, Rowan Zorilla, Dimetrus Collins, Danny Dicola, James Brockman, and MoĆ¼se