Featuring Kevin Rodrigues, Paul Grund, Valentin Jutant, Greg Cuadrado, Maunel Schneck, Roman Gonzalez, Luidgi Gaydu, Bobby Worrest, Hjalte Halberg, Antoine Gaston, Sean Pablo, Vincent Touzery and Nasere.

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Raw Files: The Homies | Where We Come From

Nothing beats a good session with the homies – that’s what skating is all about. Lucas Fiederling’s Where We Come From is no exception, and his film makes room for an array of skating’s great talent: Louis Taubert, Albert Nyberg, Barney Page, Brian Delatorre, Flo Marfaing, Tom Penny, Erik J Pettersson, Dani Lebron, Marius Syvanen, Sam Partaix, Ross McGouran and Hjalte Halberg to name a few. So, sit back with a buddy and enjoy all the radness from “The Homies” edit from Where We Come From.

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Quartersnacks – End of Summer 2015

Featuring Matt Perez, Antonio Durao, Johnny Wilson, Andrew Wilson, Hjalte Halberg, Andre Page, Chandy Khon, Cyrus Bennett, Alexander Mosley, Jesse Alba, Daniel Kim, Will Robson-Scott, Jack Sabback, Brendan Carroll, Mike Gigliotti, C.J, Genesis Evans, Troy Stilwell, Tober, and a mini Connor Champion part. Contributing filmers: Andre Page and John Diaz.

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Featuring Kevin Rodrigues, Sage Elsesser, Vincent Touzery, Paul Grund, Karl Salah, Roman Gonzalez, Greg Cuadrado, Hjalte Halberg, Dane Brady, Aaron Herrington, Brian Delatorre, Santiago Sasson, Luidgi Gaydu, David Stenstrom, Manuel Schenck, Alex Richard and Valentin Jutant.

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