Introducing Italian Flow Lord RUBEN SPELTA with a food tour to Rome and Naples, Italy. Featuring Leo Valls, Glen Fox, Sergio Cadaré, Jimmy Lannon, Ben Gore, Vivien Feil, Soy Panday, Ben Gore, Gunes Ozdogan, Mario Torre of PLAYWOOD DISTRIBUTION, Ruben Spelta skating mostly in Paris & local friends.

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Magenta Skateboards – B.O.N 2018

Every couple of years, Magenta gathers a bunch of friends from Europe & rent a big house in Normandy, France to chill together & skate the area for a few days. Here is their edit of these good times! Featuring Glen Fox, Leo Valls, Ruben Spelta, Antoine Jouguet, Santiago Sasson, Gaetan Salvignol, Masaki Ui and special guest Paul Gallelli.

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