Theories of Atlantis just got ahold of Traffic Rider Nate Pezzillo’s part from the Philly crew video “Phat House 2: Told Ya”.
CASTE x TRAFFIC – Nate Pezzillo
Filmed over the course of the past year in Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington DC is Nate Pezzillo’s part for Traffic Skateboards.
Reign Skateshop at Woodward
Reign Skateshop’s Tom Asta, Chris Cole, Andy Laptuka, Justin Berry, John Tuck, Pat Bryan, Ian Berry, Adam Hribar, Shane Colville, Nate Pezzillo, Skip Millard, Jake Kahn, and Julian Heller at Woodward for CCEA 2014.
Spring Montage
Nate Pezzillo, Mark Suciu, Ishod Wair, Jordan Trahan, Joey Guevara, Shaun Williams, Ricky Geiger, Daniel Kim and more skate Philly in this montage by Chris Mulher.
Reign Spring 2013
Featuring; John Tuck, Chris Cole, Jimmy Carlin, Julian Heller, Brian Douglas (BDougs), Kyle Frederick, Shane Colville, Kyle Knoblauch, Nate Pezzillo, Tom Asta, Ed Duff and Adam Hribar.