adidas Skateboarding /// Southeast Tour – Raw Recap

With the country opening up the adidas team was eager to get back in the streets, so they hopped in the van and hit the American Southeast. Hitting spots, DIY’s and the local shops. Here’s what 2 weeks, 13 riders, and 5 states looks like. Featuring Mark Suciu, Carlisle Aikens, Maria Duran, Dennis Busenitz, Nora Vasconcellos, Felipe Gustavo, Silas Baxter-Neal, Kevin White, Jake Donnelly, Dan Mancina, Kris Brown, Jack Fardell, and Hermann Stene.

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NORA by ALEXIS | Krux Trucks

Find out the story behind Nora Vasconcellos new pro truck designed by Alexis Sablone. These icons of skateboarding cruise Brooklyn and talk about growing up in New England, art and collaborating on Nora’s new pro line. The Nora by Alexis collection is available in shops all over the world now. Tap in with your local!

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Nora Vasconcellos | Red Bull SŌLUS 2021 Entry

Ryan Sheckler has once again opened the doors to his skatepark and invited 17 of the world’s most well-rounded skateboarders to battle it out in year two of Red Bull SŌLUS. Each skater has one hour to put together their best line at The Sandlot; no crowd, no other skaters, no distractions – just an internal battle to get the best line possible. Here is Nora’s run.

Everyone loves Nora. She knows how to make skating look fun and effortless all the while having a huge smile on her face. And maybe even doing some dance moves on the deck. But don’t worry, she’s got plenty of moves on the board as well. Nora skates for Welcome, adidas, Stance, CCS, Krux, Bronson, OJ Wheels, and MOB.

Judges Vanessa Torres, Mike Sinclair, and Jason Rothmeyer will evaluate each video based on style, progression and creativity. Winner will be announced October 17th.

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Nora, Jamie Foy, Ducky & Crew Skate The Speed Boat! | Bronson Speed Co

Hit the road with Rhino, Jamie Foy & the rest of the Bronson Team as they roll out to Santa Cruz for Bronson Speed Co’s GNARMAGEDDON Invitational. Little do they know about the dangerous waters ahead as BK Designs is building nonstop chaos for them. You’ll get to see how the speedboat from hell came to life. Buckle up, it’s fast, it’s mean, it’s… it’s….. hell it’s the Bronson Speed Co GNARMAGEDDON Invitational baby! Featuring Jamie Foy, David Gravette, Nora Vasconcellos, Maurio McCoy, Collin Provost, Chris Colbourn, Alexis Ramirez, Jesse Lindloff, Roman Pabich, Cedric Pabich, Patrick Praman, Christian Henry, John Worthington, Kevin Braun, Ducky Kovacs, Samarria Brevard, Nicole Hause and Aaron Goure.

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