Hang out with Ricky Glaser at SOMA West Skatepark in Krux new series called “My Grooves” where we link up with your favorite Krux All-Stars as they breakdown everything on their setup from the specs to their truck grooves. How long does a pair of Krux last for Ricky? How did Ricky get on the team? What does Ricky think of when he thinks of Krux? Tune in and find out!

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Tom Asta NEEDS This In His Setup! What I’m Riding | Santa Cruz Skateboards

Today we are stoked to sit down with Tom Asta for the latest installment of our Santa Cruz’s series called “What I’m Riding”. In this series we will be rapping out with your favorite members of the SC squad and dig in to their current setup to learn all about what is currently under their hood. What size board does Tom ride? How tight are his trucks? Does he pop his bearing shields?! All of these questions and much much more are answered in Episode 3 filmed by Joe Perrin and Trevar Cushing!

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