The third installment from Andrew Maholsic featuring Alex Furtado, Andy Maholsic, Zach Pape, Pedro Alvarado, Dave Green, Dave Schram, Martin Tiedemann, Tyler Stier, Joe Green, and Justin Grzechowiak.
The third installment from Andrew Maholsic featuring Alex Furtado, Andy Maholsic, Zach Pape, Pedro Alvarado, Dave Green, Dave Schram, Martin Tiedemann, Tyler Stier, Joe Green, and Justin Grzechowiak.
Sean Malto and Shane O’Neill star in this new edit for Nike Free SB, developed after years of research in feet movement.
Giovanni Reda sits down and reads the comments from his Crail Couch, Chomp On This Part, and Berrics Part.
Habitat Skateboards introduces their Mélange series with pro boards from Mark Suciu, Stefan Janoski, Silas Baxter-Neal, Marius Syvanen, Danny Garcia, Brian Delatorre, Alex Davis, and Daryl Angel.
Spencer Hamilton, Boo Johnson, Taylor Kirby, Oscar Candon, Chris Gregson and Aj Zavala skate Canada in KR3W’s “The Montreal Experience”.
Quick GoPro clips of Davis Torgerson, Chris Cole, Tiago Lemos, Mason Silva, and Nyjah Huston from Chris Ray.
Filmer Mannie’s fourth random montage featuring Erik Cabrera, Felipe Gouveia, Maurice Jordan, Cody Hale, Mikey Ramos, Dave Bachinsky, Carlos Vega, Robert Neal, Chris McHugh, Terry Simmons, Rafael Perez and Jesus Alegria.
More B-Roll from the BEV video featuring Andrew Levierge, Brett Dalzell, Mike Burrill, BobAwesome, Chris Keily, Mark Nardelli, Dana Ericson, Matt Mooney, Aj, Scott Fairfax, Matt Howe, Judah Bryndal, and Mac Milsark.
Youness Amrani, James Craig, Morgan Smith, Anton Myhrvold, and Sammy Montano skate Peak Skatepark in this edit from Sml Wheels.
Blind Skateboards presents Cody McEntire, TJ Rogers, Morgan Smith, Joey Brezinski, Daniel Espinoza, Ryan Decenzo and Nick Dompierre at both Fontana North and South Skateparks.
Michael Sassano’s latest full length video “Duzzed” backed by 2nd Nature Skate Shop premiering at The Paramount Theater in Peekskill NY on January 23rd and 2nd Nature January 31st.
Jimmy Larsen traveled the Americas with his skateboard and documented every part of it in what we now know as “Van Days”.